Who are we?
NTC is a professional small-scale touring theatre company. In 2018 we moved to the Dovecote Centre, Dovecote Street, Amble, Northumberland. Our mission statement is to make professional touring theatre of the highest quality accessible to those communities who are theatrically disenfranchised through geographic, economic, social or transport constraints. Original and dynamic theatre which is made in Northumberland for a national audience, theatre which is accessible and relevant, is innovative and entertains with integrity and humour. In addition, to provide the highest quality training and support to new and emerging theatre practitioners in the region, through on-the-job training opportunities.

What is our history?
NTC was created in 1978 as Theatre in Northumberland Schools, funded by the Education Authority and based in Backworth. In the early 1980s, Northern Arts offered the Company revenue support to extend our role into touring village halls and community centres. Then, in 1984, we bought the Playhouse Theatre in Alnwick, a former cinema which we converted into a 150 capacity studio / rehearsal room, with ancillary offices, workshop and wardrobe facilities. The Company owned the Playhouse and leased the upstairs 262 seater auditorium to Alnwick District Playhouse Trust. This building was sold in February 2018 to the Northumberland County Council. We have recently moved to the Dovecote Centre in Amble where we will continue to produce touring theatre but also aim to create a cultural hub.

Where do we play?
The company’s venues are predominantly village halls, community centres in small rural towns and villages and theatres in the North East region and the Scottish Borders. NTC is also recognised nationally as one of the best small scale companies touring to non-traditional theatre spaces in the country. We regularly tour to Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, Durham, North Yorkshire and the Scottish borders. The majority of the touring comprises of one night performances, although we do play for longer in the larger venues. NTC has commissioned thirty world premieres since the year 2010 and has a national touring profile of over 50%. We annually tour 3 high quality shows to rural areas and theatre-less zones. Over the last 4 years we have travelled over 40,037 miles in our truck with over 19,496 people having seen an NTC performance either online or at a venue within walking distance of their own home – a much more environmentally- friendly way of seeing theatre.
All NTC productions are suitable to tour small to mid-scale theatres, arts centres, village and community halls and anywhere else that we think can house our shows! NTC can transform any hall into a theatre. Productions will be performed either end-on or in traverse. And our fees for staging a show are very reasonable; you can easily cover these from your ticket sales. For further information, please contact Natalie Barnes, our Company Administrator, by clicking HERE. You will find us helpful, friendly and happy to provide advice. But don’t leave it too late – our productions are very popular!
How are we organised?
Our staff include the Artistic Director Louis Roberts, Tours Administrator Natalie Barnes, and Associate Director Alice Byrne.
We also have a developing core of actors, writers and stage managers who work regularly with the company and are employed for particular productions only.
The Management of NTC is overseen by an active board of Trustees. They are drawn from the wider Northumbrian community for their specific skills in finance, marketing, business and the law together with representatives from the regions artistic community.
How are we funded?
NTC are not a funded theatre company, funding is raised slowly, step by step on a project by project basis, as needed.
The continued support of Northumberland County Council and the surrounding parishes of Northumberland, Trusts, Foundations and our Friends is invaluable.
You can view our charity details and copies of our submitted accounts by clicking HERE.
Patrons: Lord Joicey, Artistic Director: Louis Roberts, Chair: Jim Donnelly.
NTC Touring Theatre Company Limited is a non-profit making company limited by guarantee
Registered in England and Wales No 1448366 and registered as a charity No 509251
Want to make a donation?
NTC are not a funded theatre company, funding is raised slowly, step by step on a project by project basis, as needed.
The continued support of Northumberland County Council and the surrounding parishes of Northumberland, Trusts, Foundations and our Friends is invaluable.
We welcome any and all donations.